About Me

a litter natter about me

Hi! The name is Theresia Caroline
 21 years old
Jakarta, August 26th 1998
Indonesian 100%

I talk a lot about movies and really am glad to talk with you 
do not hesitate to reach me up by email (theresiacrln@gmail.com) 
or way more practical @therllock on Instagram
thank you for visiting my blog, have a super great day!

Gue sukak banget ngobrolin tentang film, jangan sungkan untuk hubungi lewat email ( theresiacrln@gmail.com) atau via Instagram .
Terima Kasih telah berkunjung. Semoga hari kalian menyenangkan!

here's a quote that always linger in my life :

There's something inside that they can't get to, that they can't touch it. It's yours. Hope

- The Shawshank Redemption-


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